Knocking down the top 5 barriers to employer resistance

Research over the past decade into barriers of employment for people with disability cover the same concerns.

Barriers to employment area easily overcome. Let’s tackle the top five barriers head on!

1. Employers worry about the cost of providing reasonable facilities so that workers with disabilities can do their jobs.

Most disabilities do not require adjustments to the work environment, such as disability toilets or workstations – and where something extra is required, CVGT can help employers find low cost solutions or even identify funding options for these changes.


2. Employers feel they can’t discipline or dismiss a worker with a disability for poor performance, because of potential discrimination threats.

Employees with disability work under the same employment law as everyone else. Employers have six months’ probation where they can dismiss for poor performance. But the better way of fixing poor performance is to ask CVGT to give extra support and work with the staff member to address any issues.


3. Employers are concerned about the extra time that supervisors or co-workers will need to spend to assist workers with disabilities.

Once the employee is trained, then there should not be any need for additional support. But, if there is a need, then CVGT can help with this as soon as it is identified.


4. Employers are afraid the workers with disabilities won’t work up to the same standards as other employees and don’t have the necessary skills and experience.

CVGT work with the employee until they are fully capable of doing the work required. This is more than the average employee can offer! And CVGT will come back for retraining if that is needed.


5. Employers are worried about the attitudes of co-workers toward the person with a disability.

Usually co-workers want to help but are not sure how. CVGT suggests awareness training for staff before the new recruit with disability starts. This allows co-workers to ask any questions they might have and be clear on what is needed to help the new staff member to become part of the team.


What most employers soon discover is that people with disability:
  • Take fewer days off
  • Take less sick leave, and
  • Stay in their jobs longer

And the big payoff is that the same employers are making a significant improvement in someone’s life by providing them with employment.

It’s not just good business sense.

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