Inclusive Employment Australia

Inclusive Employment Australia will start on 1 July 2025, replacing the current Disability Employment Services (DES) program. 

About Inclusive Employment Australia

Inclusive Employment Australia is a new specialist disability employment service designed to create a more inclusive future. It aims to support people with disabilities, injuries, or health conditions in preparing for, finding, and maintaining work, and growing their careers.  

Supporting more people with disability, injury or health conditions  

Inclusive Employment Australia will allow more people with disability, injury and health condition to access the program including. 

  • people with an assessed work capacity of less than 8 hours per week 
  • voluntary participants not getting a Centrelink income support payment. 

The previous 2-year time limit, for receiving support from an employment service provider, will be removed, allowing for more flexible and long-term support. 

The new program will have an improved service offer including: 

  • intensive support for people who are preparing to be ready to work 
  • flexible support for people who don’t need intensive services. 

Current Disability Employment Services Participants will receive individual communications and information about the new program before it starts  

To learn more about key changes for participants, please visit the Department of Social Services website.  

Support for employers  

Employers can access expert guidance from Inclusive Employment Australia providers on recruitment and workplace practices. Providers will help employers to: 

  • identify their business needs 
  • recruit suitable candidates 
  • support to access training 
  • assist with necessary workplace adjustments  
  • customise and tailor roles  
  • provide safe and productive workplaces. 
  • retain employees with disability, injury or health conditions.  

More information about Inclusive Employment Australia

For more detailed information about these changes, please visit the Department of Social Services website. We will provide further updates as we approach the 1 July 2025.  

Connect with CVGT Employment  

If you’re interested in joining or learning more about CVGT Employment’s Disability Employment Services program, click here.  

To connect with CVGT Employment and discover how we can support you, visit or call 132 848. We’re here to help you every step of the way! 

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