CVGT Employment. Since 1983.
We are a not-for-profit, for-purpose employment service that’s been supporting people to find meaningful work for 40 years.
The CVGT Employment story
CVGT Employment has a proud history of being a not-for-profit, for-purpose employment services provider. We are Australia-owned and doubly proud to say we are person-centric and community focused.
Our story is quite unique. We formed in 1983 when councils surrounding Bendigo responded to a survey on youth unemployment skill shortages. Young people needed to be actively employed while learning the trade skills for their chosen fields. We were initially known as Central Victoria Group Apprenticeship Scheme.
For 40 years we have been helping individuals secure sustainable and meaningful work, and employers secure the right staff.
We had humble beginnings, employing one person, who rode a bicycle around Bendigo to monitor the progress of 12 apprentices. Since then, the business has grown from strength to strength. Over time our expertise brought expansion into other regions and other employment programs; in 2012 our name changed to CVGT Australia. From July 2022, we evolved again to become CVGT Employment.
Today, we employ more than 400 people in a diverse range of employment programs and specialties across more than 120 locations in New South Wales, Tasmania and Victoria; and continue to meet community needs and expectations for sustainable employment and economic activity.
In 2022-2023, we supported 5449 people into sustainable employment.
CVGT Employment delivers both state and federally funded government programs. These include the Department of Employment and Workplace Relation’s Workforce Australia, Transition to Work and Parent Pathways contracts, the Department of Social Services Disability Employment Services programs.
And, since 1983 we continue to deliver apprenticeship and traineeship opportunities as a group training organisation.
Our professional support for your journey is available at these sites, so come visit us today!
CVGT Employment is a registered charity
CVGT Employment has been providing Australians with quality employment services since 1983. We are Australian owned, person-centric and community focused. We are a not-for-profit, for-purpose organisation that is registered as an Australian charity.
View our charity registration details here.

We believe in delivering inclusive employment solutions. Every person deserves the opportunity to thrive.
CVGT Employment has a proud history of providing inclusive employment solutions to individuals and businesses. Our purpose is to connect more people to meaningful work. We do this through listening, talking and understanding people’s needs.
As an employment services provider we work closely with thousands of people looking for work, including youth who need support to choose either a pathway to a career or ongoing education, and employers seeking staff.
Our team has extensive employment services experience, ensuring people looking for work are job ready and matched to employers who are committed to supporting them achieve their employment goals.
CVGT Employment also has an Audit & Risk Sub-Committee (ARC) made up of four members of the Board of Directors. The main aim of the ARC is to ensure that appropriate monitoring and oversight of CVGT Employment’s Governance, Risk and Control Framework and the organisations external accountability requirements.
Our values are the foundation of what we do.
Do the right thing
We look for ways to do the right thing, beyond just what we’re required to do.
Find a way
We see constraints as opportunities and believe in a world of possibilities.
Genuine care
We take the time to understand people, as your priorities may differ from ours.
Better together
We work together and support each other to achieve our purpose.
Community matters
We take our responsibility seriously – to be an enabler of positive change.
Meet some of our people
Chief Executive Officer Jason Russell, with the support of the Executive Management Team, leads and directs the day-to-day management of the organisation and is responsible for the implementation and decision of the Board of Directors. The Board of seven members is responsible for the governance and strategic oversight of the organisation. The Board and Executive Management Team have extensive industry experience and strong skillset to enable the wider team to deliver results, and further cement CVGT Employment as a leader in delivering employment services to a wide range of people.
Here’s what some of our staff have to say about working at CVGT Employment.
2023-2024 Annual Report
CVGT Employment’s Board of Directors has endorsed the organisation’s 2023-2024 Annual Report, highlighting our 40th year in operation and ongoing legacy of growth and innovation.
The report covers CVGT Employment’s activities and performance from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024.

Work health and safety
Our business is ISO 45001 certified, and our online learning management system enables us to manage compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004.
CVGT Employment is committed to providing and actively promoting a safe environment for children. We have zero tolerance towards child abuse, and have policies and systems to protect children.