From landscaping apprentice to entrepreneur
Matt Stahl, the owner of Stahlyscapes, a successful landscaping design and construction business based in Campbells Creek VIC, has always had a passion for the outdoors. Growing up, he knew early on that he wanted a career that kept him outside. “Being dyslexic, academics was never my strongest point – I really struggled in the classroom,” Matt recalls.
His hands-on approach to learning led him to the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) program, which prepares students for work or vocational education. In this program, he excelled in horticulture, building, and construction.
“By Year 10, I knew I was going to do building or landscaping,” he says.
Matt’s journey from apprentice to successful business owner began with a school-based apprenticeship in Year 10, which continued through to Year 12, effectively shortening his apprenticeship by a year.
After graduating Year 12, Matt jumped straight into a full-time landscaping apprenticeship with CVGT Employment’s Apprenticeship and Traineeship program (formerly known as Group Training).
“I chose landscaping because it also involves a lot of building. Unlike just constructing houses, in landscaping, you might be laying grass one day, installing irrigation systems the next, and building a deck the day after. It’s perfect for me because I don’t like doing the same thing every day,” he explains.
The apprenticeship experience
Starting his apprenticeship was a daunting experience for Matt. The transition from school to early mornings, long hours, and the physical nature of the job took some getting used to. However, with the support of CVGT Employment, who played a crucial role in providing guidance and support, Matt persevered.
“At school, the day was from 9am to 3pm, and it was a relaxing environment where you could catch up with friends. But work was different. You had to be at your boss’s house by 7:30am and you’d often finish late,” Matt shares. “I remember the first six months I was coming home exhausted.”
During his apprenticeship while completing his Certificate III in Landscaping Construction, Matt developed valuable skills that laid the foundation for his success. Punctuality became a key part of his work ethic, and he prided himself on never being late. This reliability now helps him run his own business, ensuring clear communication and setting realistic project expectations with clients. Matt also found satisfaction in transforming “bare dirt into beautiful landscapes”, seeing the tangible results of his hard work.

“I was never late to work, and that’s something I still pride myself on. If I tell a client I’ll be there, I will be. I also believe in doing a good day’s work, so you can go home knowing you’ve accomplished a lot and can see the results.
Matt Stahl
Stahlyscapes Business Owner
Transitioning to business ownership
After completing his apprenticeship with CVGT Employment and earning his trade qualification through Bendigo TAFE, Matt took the plunge and started his own business, Stahlyscapes. The first two years were tough, as he had to invest in tools and equipment while still earning enough to live on. “Having struggled at school, I had to re-learn communication and maths skills along the way, but I was determined to be successful,” Matt recalls. Despite the challenges, his determination to succeed paid off. Today, Stahlyscapes is a well-known name for its quality designs and professionalism.
Transitioning from being a tradesman to a business owner was a steep learning curve for Matt. With the help of a great accountant and bookkeeper, Matt navigated the complexities of running a business. He also benefited from being a member of Landscaping Victoria, where he could learn from and share experiences with other landscapers.
After a long day on the job, dealing with BAS statements and taxes was completely new to me. Luckily, I had a great support network, which made things easier because running a business on top of the trade is more than a full-time job.
Matt Stahl
Stahlyscapes Business Owner
Current success
Stahlyscapes has grown significantly since its beginning in Castlemaine. Stahlyscapes’ work can now be found across the whole Mt Alexander Shire and Macedon Ranges. Whether it’s crafting elegant garden designs, constructing durable retaining walls, or managing lush, green turfs, Matt and his skilled team is dedicated to bringing outdoor visions to life.
“When I started, landscape work wasn’t there. I did a lot of maintenance, mowing, and weeding. My business name wasn’t out there,” Matt says. The COVID-19 pandemic unexpectedly boosted his business, as more people wanted to improve their gardens. “A lot of people were working from home and wanted to get their garden fixed. Being a small landscaping company, we could still work. During that year, I had a good year financially,” he explains.
Today, Stahlyscapes boasts trucks and machinery, and Matt has even built and landscaped his own home. What sets Stahlyscapes apart is Matt’s deep industry knowledge and commitment to professionalism. Unlike many who enter the trade without formal training, Matt’s extensive experience and dedication to quality make his business stand out. He takes pride in the hard work and expertise that go into every project, ensuring client satisfaction.
It’s not a licensed trade. Anyone can go out and buy themselves a truck and call themselves a landscaper, but I have done the hard yards. I’ve completed my apprenticeship, I am trade qualified, I know the industry and I find that I have the expertise to construct landscapes and communicate with clients in an effective way.
Matt Stahl
Stahlyscapes Business Owner

From humble beginnings, Stahlyscapes has become a trusted name in the region, known for transforming ordinary spaces into extraordinary landscapes. Their projects range from small residential gardens to large commercial properties, each reflecting a unique blend of creativity and functionality. The team’s dedication to excellence and customer satisfaction has earned them a loyal client base and a reputation for reliability and quality. With a focus on sustainable practices and innovative design, they continue to lead the way in the landscaping industry, turning visions into vibrant, living spaces.
Advice and inspiration for apprentices
For anyone considering an apprenticeship, Matt’s story is a powerful testament to the opportunities and rewards of hands-on learning. His journey from a struggling student to a successful business owner highlights the transformative potential of apprenticeships and support from an employment provider. Matt’s advice to aspiring landscapers is simple: be punctual, communicate effectively, and take pride in your work. With determination and the right support, anyone can achieve their dreams.
Start your apprenticeship and do the hard yards, know that down the track once you’ve learnt the skills and know the industry it is a rewarding industry – financially and being able to go out and construct landscapes and transform yards. You might think being a first-year apprentice and being on a shovel 8 hours a day is difficult but in the long run you can really make a good career out of it and be financially stable.
Matt Stahl
Stahlyscapes Business Owner
Connect with CVGT Employment
Looking to start your career or need support to achieve your goals? Whether you’re finishing school, starting an apprenticeship or traineeship or launching your own business, CVGT Employment has a range of programs to help you succeed.
Connect with us today on 132 848 or visit cvgt.com.au
What does a typical day look like for a landscaper?
Dive into Matt’s daily routine, from early morning preparations to detailed site assessments and hands-on landscaping tasks, offering a look at the demands and rewards of this career.