How do I find the perfect job for me?
It’s a big world out there, and there are many different types of jobs. So, how do you know what job fits you, and where do you find it?
Finding the perfect job boils down to two factors – reflection and connection. It starts with knowing who you are and what you want, then taking steps to make it happen.
At CVGT Employment, we understand you’re a unique human being with your own skills, interests and capabilities. Work is just one piece of the jigsaw that makes up your life.
Our job is to guide you to gather the pieces and pull the picture together. We meet you, then match you with the right training, employer and programs to bring your perfect job to life.
Pathway to the Perfect Job: The Five Ps
Self-reflection can help you to discover what type of person you offer a workplace.
The pathway to the perfect job emerges as you get to know yourself and understand the job opportunities. CVGT Employment provides help for job seekers to believe in what’s possible and to get job ready.
Here we share five steps to put you on the right track to finding your perfect job.
What encourages you to get out of bed in morning? Do any topics get you excited when you talk or think about them? Are there activities that you enjoy so much that time flies when you do them?
Your interests, skills and hobbies provide handy clues to what motivates or inspires you. They don’t have to be work-related things. We take what you’re passionate about or good at, and see how that fits in the workplace. We might discover something new that you want to explore or skills you hope to learn. The perfect job should sustain your interest.
We start by thinking about what makes you tick so that we can find the best job for you.
What’s important to you? Most people are motivated by more than just money. Meaningful work is a job with purpose. It provides a real sense of making a contribution or a difference. This can be measured in everyday interactions or by your choice of industry.
Have a think about the type of business you want work for. It’s good to look at what a company does, but also how do they do it, to see if the approach aligns with your own values and preferences. Working with purpose feels good. You’ll gain a sense of pride as you collaborate with colleagues to deliver a service or product to customers or communities.
Are there life goals that meaningful work can help you to achieve – financial, health or flexibility, for example? The perfect job will bring benefits to your life, and these might extend to your family or community – win-win!
Many employees choose jobs to help people. Consider how your skills and capabilities support customers. What problems might you solve? Maybe you’ll help people to access a service so they feel better. Perhaps you’ll fix their car so they can get to work on time.
Are you a people person or do you prefer to be behind the scenes? Some people thrive engaging with the public while others like to work autonomously. Are you a thinker, a doer, a connector? Maybe you’re good with numbers or conversations? Do you fancy hands-on work or want your head in the digital cloud?
When you join a workplace you become part of a team. You’ll see colleagues regularly, and it’s inspiring to be a part of something in which everyone has a role to play. We network in our local communities, so we know lots of people. We also know humans slot into workplaces in different ways. Our job is to connect to you to the right organisation where you’ll fit right in.
Work is worth travelling for but ideally your new job will be in a location not too far from home. It’s good to maintain a work-life balance and too much travel can get in the way. Lucky for you, CVGT Employment has offices in many places across three states and great connections in the community.
The perfect job is one where you feel welcome and valued. Wherever you find it, the workplace will become a community for you. Look for employers with a good organisational culture, who treat their people well. Jot down a list of workplace attributes that matter to you; fairness, productivity or inclusiveness are examples that you can seek in a business.
The workplace set-up is also important. Our employers take occupational health and safety seriously. We also liaise with business owners to arrange site modifications so that the office, factory or café is ready for you when you’re ready for work.
To get you ready we will work with you to develop a job plan. The plan identifies your employment goals and the services and training you need to find and keep a job.
We’ll help you to prepare your cover letter and update your resume. We can offer interview tips and empower you to overcome barriers to employment. This means you have the best chance at working on your strengths, finding the right job and staying in paid employment.
The plan helps with motivation and perseverance too. It can seem overwhelming when you first begin to search for the perfect job. But having a plan and the experienced CVGT Employment team on your side can keep you on track for your future career.
CVGT Employment connects you to the perfect job
All this leads us to another P word on the road to finding your perfect job: partner.
That is exactly what CVGT Employment is. We’ll be there with you at every step along the way as you look for work, prepare for your first interview, and start the new job.
We’ve been connecting people to meaningful work for 40 years. That means we’re experienced in supporting all types of people from all walks of life.
CVGT Employment finds jobs for older people, jobs for people with mental health and jobs for people with autism. We support parents returning to work, people seeking an apprenticeship and folks who need to access disability employment services.
No matter who you are and what your story is, you will be supported and encouraged from the moment you first contact us.
With CVGT Employment as your job partner, the perfect job is within your reach. Get the job you want. We reckon you’ll be Pleased (with a capital P).
If you’re a job seeker or an employer looking for employees, get in touch with a local CVGT Employment consultant today on 132 848.