John’s Journey to Independence

John joined the CVGT Employment Disability Employment Services program in Wagga looking for help to find work, independence and flexibility.

“Having worked in supported employment for some time John’s NDIS support provider, The Guthrie Foundation, felt he was ready to take the leap into open employment,” said Joel, CVGT Employment Business Development Consultant.

Open verse supported employment

Open Employment is when an employee with a disability is engaged in the mainstream workforce, alongside employees without disability. As is John’s story, many Supported Employees go on to enter the mainstream workforce once they have upskilled or gained confidence in a supported work environment.

John, who has an intellectual disability, and his support co-ordinator were clear about John’s NDIS commitments.
It was important to John to find a job that allowed him to continue accessing his NDIS funding and attending his NDIS activities.
CVGT Employment Business Development Consultant

Finding work on the NDIS

 Through a series of appointments, Joel and CVGT Employment Consultant Jonty helped John improve his job-readiness skills.

Within just a month, John started work at a local mechanic’s workshop.

“For two eight hour shifts a week John helps out around the workshop,” Joel says.

I love my job! Life is great.

It’s the best job I have ever had. I am so glad my support work Christina from the Guthrie Collective put me onto CVGT Employment Wagga.

CVGT Employment Disability Employment Services participant

Work improves NDIS participant John’s life

After moving into open employment, John’s been able to regain his full NDIS funding, and resume his regular support work hours.

“The extra money from work means John can enjoy more social events with the Guthrie Collective, it’s been wonderful for his mental health and well-being,” says Jonty, CVGT Employment Consultant.

 Now I am saving up to buy a new car.

Thanks to Joel and Jonty at CVGT Employment who’ve helped me so much.

CVGT Employment Disability Employment Services participant

John’s success story shows the transformative impact of finding the right job fit. It’s a testament to the collaborative effort of disability support organisations to help individuals like John reach their goals. As he continues to thrive, we hope John’s journey inspires others to find their own path toward independence and fulfilment. 

Connect to CVGT Employment Disability Employment Service

If injury, illness, or disability is making it tough for you to find the right job, CVGT Employment can help. Enquire about Disability Employment Services online or call 132 848 today to learn more about how we can support you to find inclusive and sustainable work. 

Connect to the Wagga Wagga Disability Employment Services team or find a branch near you.

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