Maureen secures work alongside her mates
CVGT Australia first met Maureen when she finished school and needed support to map out a work and study plan.
She heard her friends were part of CVGT Australia’s YConnect program, and were all enjoying their jobs, newfound independence and continued support.
CVGT Australia youth employment mentor Lina met regularly with Maureen to discuss her needs and develop a plan.
“Like most teenagers, Maureen had essentially lost herself,” Lina says. “YConnect is giving young people like Maureen an opportunity to learn, understand, develop and find out what they want to do.
“When Maureen came into my office, l had the privilege to assist her in this journey – but also the unique pleasure to learn from her, too.”
Maureen’s resume was limited as she had little work experience. Lina helped Maureen write a professional resume, coached her with interviewing techniques, and gave her moral support throughout the process.
Through discussions with Maureen, Lina discovered she had a strong desire to work with her friends, so arranged a job interview at the same workplace.
Maureen aced her job interview and was offered a position. “There were some tears of joy,” says Lina, who drove her to work on her first day.
“Lina is like a second Mum to me,” Maureen says, describing their relationship.
Maureen hopes to take on further study, and CVGT Australia is excited to help her grow.
YConnect aims to help people aged 15 to 24 find work, or gain extra training or study.
Visit YConnect to get involved.