One year on: CVGT Australia secures Bec long-term employment
CVGT Australia recently did a follow-up on Bec, a hard-working, young indigenous woman who enlisted the help of CVGT to assist her in finding meaningful, long-term work through the Disability Employment Services (DES) program.
CVGT Australia have successfully helped keep Bec employed with Lantrak now for 12 months.
Bec had previously been employed in short lived administration roles prior to approaching CVGT Australia, but found that this type of office work was having a negative impact on her mental health and overall wellbeing.
When Bec approached the CVGT Australia Boronia branch last year looking for something more satisfying and suitable to her hands-on nature, Business Development Consultant Paul Browne knew he would have to think outside the box.
Paul took time to get to know Bec, gaining valuable insight into her family background and the kinds of roles that may have a positive impact on her mental health.
“I found out that Bec’s family had a history in civil construction and that Bec used to love helping her Dad in that area of work. From there I contacted Tom, a project manager with Lantrak, to see if they had any opportunities for Bec,” says Paul.
Lantrak operate an environmental waste recycling plant in Scoresby and agreed to take Bec on for a trial period.
“During the trial, Bec got right in there sorting through landfill to remove sticks ready for the soil to be flattened out. She is fantastic and isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty,” says Tom.
Bec impressed Tom and the team at Lantrak with her strong work ethic and ability to get the job done. They offered her a position with Lantrak, including the opportunity for further training in roller operations, bulldozer driving and gatehouse operations.
“I’m so happy! I love the team and my job. I’m really grateful for Paul and everyone at CVGT Australia for helping me find a job I’m still happy in,” says Bec.
CVGT Australia continue to support Bec in her role with Lantrak and due to her strong work ethic and capable nature, Lantrak are committed to developing Bec’s career path by ensuring she gets more training to expand her role within the company.