Overcoming job search stress for mental health well-being

Job searching can be stressful, but there are ways to manage your mental well-being while you look for work. The uncertainty, constant rejections, and pressure to find a job can take a toll on your mental health. However, using these tips can help you through this tough time.

Find out what stresses you out

Figure out what parts of job search stress you out. Is it the fear of rejection, too many applications, or money worries? Knowing what stresses, you can help you deal with it better.

Grab a pen and piece of paper and write a list of everything that’s stressing you out about your job search. This could include things like fear of rejection, financial pressure, or the number of applications you need to complete.

Go through your list and mark the things you can control. For example, you can control how many applications you send out each day or how you prepare for interviews.

Cross out the items on your list that you can’t control, like the outcome of an interview or the time it takes for employers to respond. This helps you focus on what you can change.

For the items you can control, make a plan to address them. Set small, achievable goals and take steps to accomplish them. This can help reduce your stress and give you a sense of progress. Below are our tips on taking action to overcome the controllable job search stresses.

Tips on taking action to overcome job search stress

Now that you know what stresses you out and which ones you can control, here are some tips on how to overcome or manage these stressors to make them less overwhelming.

Break down your job search into manageable tasks. Instead of applying for 10 jobs in one day, set a goal to apply for a few each day. This can make the process less overwhelming and more sustainable.

Regular breaks can prevent burnout. Schedule time for relaxation and activities you enjoy. This can help you recharge and maintain a positive outlook.

Keep track of your applications and follow-ups. Use a spreadsheet, a job search app like the Workforce Australia app or ask your CVGT Employment Consultant for one of our handy job search forms to stay organised. This can reduce stress and help you stay on top of your job search.

If you need help managing and overcoming your stress, talk to your CVGT Employment Consultant or connect with us to join. We are here to support you and can offer valuable advice and resources. Below are our tips on staying resilient while job searching for a long time.

Building resilience: How to stay positive during a long job search

Resilience is not about avoiding difficulties but about facing them head-on and finding ways to overcome them. It’s about maintaining a positive outlook and staying motivated despite challenges. Here are some tips from us to build resilience to help you stay positive and keep moving forward during a prolonged job search.

Lean on your support network. friends, family, and employment mentors for encouragement and advice. Don’t hesitate to reach out when you need support.

Use this time to develop new skills. Enrol in online courses, attend workshops, or volunteer. This can boost your confidence and make you more attractive to potential employers.

Break down your job search into smaller, achievable goals. Celebrate your progress, no matter how small. This can help you stay motivated and maintain a positive outlook.

Take care of your physical and mental health. Exercise regularly, eat well, and get enough sleep. Self-care can improve your resilience and help you cope with stress.

Routine helps maintain a sense of normalcy and productivity. It can reduce stress, improve sleep, and boost your overall well-being. A structured day can also make your job search more efficient and less overwhelming.

Plan your day with specific job search activities. Allocate time for researching job openings, writing applications, and preparing for interviews. Stick to your schedule as much as possible.

While it’s important to have a routine, it’s also important to stay flexible. Be prepared to adjust your schedule as needed. If you have an interview or networking event, make room for it in your routine.

Connect with CVGT Employment

We hope these tips help you reduce your job search stress. If you need more support, please talk to us, call 132 848, or visit cvgt.com.au

Happy job searching—meaningful work awaits!

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